The household is the place we share with those who matter, and where we keep things that, to us, matter.

The house is the frame and the inspiration: à la GCDS, but of course. Giuliano Calza explores the obsessions and the proclivities that make him creatively thick:
the very bourgeois tweeds of the jackets ladies wear; the pinstripes gentlemen depend on; the worn out leathers of their rebel offsprings; the velvets of sofas and the tufty textures of bath mats.

The collection relies on the face off of the sweet and the darkly seductive, with accessories blowing the claws of domestic felines to human proportions, turning them into sensual weapons.

The household is the place we share with those who matter, and where we keep things that, to us, matter.

The collection relies on the face off of the sweet and the darkly seductive, with accessories blowing the claws of domestic felines to human proportions, turning them into sensual weapons.
